Forty winks and more!
So. You probably already know that I love taking photos of wonderful critters we find in our very own local waters, while diving or in the intertidal areas. I'll let you in on a little secret. I have a second mission on these trips:
Ria changing after walk at Semakau!Yeps. Catching people doing odd things on these trips. Hur hur. (AND RIA, YOU THOUGHT IT WAS TOO LATE TO POST THIS UP, DIDN'T YOU! Ho ho ho)
Sleeping is one of the basic essentials of life. The Wildfilms crew is trained to sleep ANYTIME and ANYWHERE. The ReefWalkers enjoy their quick doze on the boat to Kusu Island. Same goes for the local divers! Enjoy this series of photos just for you!
Oh, and a nifty bit of info: Zeehan can doze off ANYWHERE ANYTIME in just under 30 seconds. Trust me. We TIMED it.
Angeline after dawn walk: Without raincover!
Angeline after dawn walk: With raincover!!!
Alvin...Live example of Wildfilms crew in action!
Ivy and Hanpeng: Local divers, Wildfilms crew...and a very cute couple! (they were nodding off in the same direction haha!)
Jeffrey Low: AHAH! CAUGHT YA! I love this photo hahaha!!
Mudskipper boat crew: Ishak, or better known as SHARQ the strong man
Wai: Wildfilms crew...well protected againts the elements...AND AND AND
Wai: I CAUGHT HER FILING HER NAILS on the way back from our dive trip! Haha! But my proudest achievement so far has GOT to be THIS:
Daniel: MBL dive buddy...Hard day's work after a long night of soccer.HAHAHA! OK OK... it WAS a tag team effort with Marco. It took AMAZING effort for us not to just keel over and die of laughter when Daniel woke up.
Will be back with NORMAL entries soon. Signing off for now and staying dry until mid December.