ICCS '05: Styro-miro! (Story 1)
Yes yes yes, I know. It's been a while since I last blogged. Arrghh the pressure the pressure...I'll promise to blog more often, and write less "essays". Anyway, the back-log hill of this blog is getting quite high so I have decided to just blog the most current stuff, and slowly work my way back. So bear with me OK. Thank you.
Morning scene at the Lim Chu Kang fishing jetty....Anyway, it's
ICCS season again! Yes! International Coastal Cleanup Singapore! (see my blog on
last year's ICCS).
Lim Chu Kang mangrove. One of this year's ICCS sites.This year was Lim Chu Kang mangrove, helping
Angeline be a site buddy. This year, I REALLY woke up late. We were suppose to meet at 7.00am...and I woke up at 6.30am! I SWEAR! My alarm didn't ring! I rushed down to NUS from my place in the east and managed to only be 10min late! HAH! Even managed to BATH, MAKE BREAKFAST aannddd PACK SOME LUNCH! HAH! Tell you how I did that some other time...heh...
But back to the story at hand. The story of a fisherman. Of a
STYRO-MIRO fisherman (title courtesy of
Ria and her endless well of corny jokes, names and comments...believe me...). Why is he called so? Here's why.
In the morning of the cleanup, we surveyed the area and found it to be littered with almost everything imaginable. Tires, straws, bags, diapers, syringes, cans, trousers, shirts, helmets, police tape, fridge, stools, glass...EVERYTHING! Including... STYROFOAM.
So you can imagine what I was thinking when I saw THIS:
Some uncle was walking towards the jetty with a rather laarrggee piece of styrofoam. I didn't know WHAT he was going to do with it. For all I cared, that piece of styrofoam was bound to be ripped to tiny pieces and end up back into the mangrove, or choking turtles, or polluting in general. So I took that photo to show the world the menacing styrofoam that will one day haunt future ICCS participants, while they bend down picking up the shredded foam pieces...one by one.
Here's another shot:
Happy with my shots, I turned my attention to the incoming hordes of ICCS participants. When I turned back around...
The uncle was gone! No longer on the jetty. Where could he have gone? I scanned the area and OOOOHHH MYYYYY GAAWWDDD......
Rowing rowing rowing to...THE UNCLE WAS USING THE LARGE STYROFOAM PIECE AS A RAFT!!! He was sitting ON it...PADDLING away!!
Where was he going? WHERE? On a STYROFOAM RAFT?! HOW CAN A STYROFOAM PIECE SUPPORT A MAN?!??!?!?!?! LAWS OF PHYSICS HELP ME OUT HERE! IS IT POSSIBLE? AND HE MAKES IT LOOK SO EASY!!!!! Believe you me, if it had been ME up on that raft, I'd be IN the water within 2 seconds. Sitting on it would've been hard on its own... BUT PADDLING AT THE SAME TIME?!?!?!?!?!?! With such ACCURACY?!?!?!
...HIS BOAT!!!! Parked some distance from the jetty!
Bailing out water from his boat. I just looked back for a moment and...
...he was gone! What was left behind...was just THIS!I COULDN'T BELIEVE MY EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! !!! HE PARKED HIS STYROFOAM BOARD!!! HE... PARKED IT... P. A. R. K. E. D. IT!!!!
Talk about RE-USING stuff... OK, it's STILL styrofoam. It's still not good. But you gotta admit. This uncle's got STYLE man.
We saw this other uncle carrying a dis-used windsurfing board...
But he is STILL not as COOL as our STYRO-MIRO fisherman. HE... PARKED HIS STYROFOAM BOARD... PAARRKKEEEDDDD ITTTT..... let's see it one last time...
See results of the Lim Chu Kang mangrove cleanup on the 10th Sept, Saturday, HERE.
Results of other sites HERE.
And, photos photos photos, HERE.